Richard Jalkut
Richard Jalkut serves on the Board of Directors at Meriplex where he helps in providing the vision, mission and goals of Meriplex. Richard Jalkut, former CEO of TPx Communications, has more than 35 years’ experience in the telecommunications industry, including extensive senior executive and start-up experience. Prior to joining TPx, he was president and CEO of Pathnet Telecom. Before that, he served as president, CEO and chairman of NYNEX Telephone Companies, the regulated arm of NYNEX. During his 32-year tenure with NYNEX and its predecessor companies, Jalkut oversaw the voice, data, internet and usage services of NYNEX’s seven-state operation. He presided over an organization with more than 80,000 employees and 16 million customers, producing more than $15 billion of annual revenue.